JoeWoodworker Veneer
The Official Website of this Non-Professional Woodworker ™

Current total : 2,900+

Collecting since 1983

I was on a field trip to the National Aquarium in Baltimore (my home town) when I was in junior high. For the trip, my mom had given me a few dollars to spend and requested that I give her back any money that I didn't spend. At the end of the day, our group had the opportunity to visit the gift shop and of course, they had a nice selection of novelty erasers with an aquatic theme. When I couldn't choose which eraser I wanted to purchase, I heard the echo of mom's voice saying "just give me back what you don't use". So I decided to buy one of each eraser they had. At that point, it was official. Not only was I greedy, but I was also an eraser collector!

Though many of these erasers have come from local stores like Wal Mart, many have come from as far away as Japan, Germany, and Vatican City. I have been fortunate enough to meet 4 other serious eraser collectors from Australia, Germany, England, and Virginia. Their collections are very impressive. In fact, 1/3 of the erasers in these collections would not be found in mine. Ah... so the search must go on.

If you are looking for really intricate and detailed erasers, the Japanese ones are amazing. One place that I have found to be an excellent source for Japanese erasers is They have a great selection of Japanese erasers that are inexpensive and their shipping charges are reasonable too.

Another excellent source for erasers is the Raymond Geddes company.

The pictures below are the eraser displays (made from walnut and maple).
Each display is 6' wide, 4' tall, and 3.5" deep.


he Aegis newspaper sucks!

Eraser Maintenance Tip: To prevent the erasers from hardening, I soak them in warm water mixed with dish washing detergent (once a year). Then I towel dry them and soak them in Armor-All and towel dry them again. This product is normally used to keep tires and dashboards from dry rotting in the sun but it seems to be excellent for erasers too!

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Yes, Joe is a practicing Catholic
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